The third GECAM data release (DR3) was announced by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the National Space Science Center (NSSC) of CAS, the National High Energy Physics Data Center (NHEPDC), and the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC). DR3 contains a catalogue of 129 bursts including gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), soft gamma-ray burst (SGRs) and known transient source bursts, supporting scientific users conducting multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observations of bursts.
GECAM is a dedicated gamma-ray all-sky monitor composed of two satellites. The primary scientific goal is to find and monitor gamma radiation from gravitational wave event sources, gamma ray bursts (GRBs), fast radio bursts (FRBs), magnetars, X-ray flashes and a variety of other transient high-energy events. This information will help researchers better understand the formation and evolution of extreme objects in the universe.
Since its launch, GECAM has made significant progress. As March of 2024, GECAM had detected more than 2200 trigger events in total, including nearly 300 GRBs, hundreds of magnetar bursts, solar bursts and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes. In addition, the GECAM team has released 117 Gamma-ray Coordination Network (GCN) circulars and 545 GCN notices. It has also coordinated follow-up and multi-wavelength observations between domestic and international telescopes. On Oct. 9, HEBS/GECAM-C, on board the space advanced technology demonstration satellite (SATech-01), detected the brightest GRB (GRB 2210009A) ever detected in the universe. On Mar. 7, GECAM-B triggered the second brightest GRB (GRB 230307A) firstly, leading a global joint testing initiative and Detailed studies have identified it as a novel type of gravitational wave counterpart with high-energy electromagnetic properties.
Following its in-orbit performance and data policy, GECAM DR3 is based on observations collected from January 2021 to September 2023. It contains a catalogue of GRBs along with GECAMTools software. In addition, innovative science products have been designed and produced to make full use of the high time resolution and efficiently distinguish and study a variety of high-energy bursts.
GECAM is the first Mission of Opportunity approved by the Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS. IHEP is responsible for the proposal of project concepts and the development, construction and operation of the payload and scientific ground system. The NSSC is responsible for the development, construction and operation of the ground support system. The Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of CAS is responsible for the development of the satellite system. The NHEPDC and NSSDC are responsible for the data release.
Useful links:
GECAM website:
Data search & download:
GECAM Science Data Center
Apr. 19, 2024