Space Science Mission Operations Center (SMOC) is a department of National Space Science Center, CAS, which supports the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science and develops China's space science satellite projects.

SMOC is dedicated to ensuring the safety, reliability, and high efficiency of mission operations, serving as a science and technology facility. It supports achievements of scientific objectives and outputs for China's space science satellite projects.

SMOC consists of Space Science Mission Center, Space Science Data Center, and X-Band Receiving Stations.

Space Science Mission Center (MC) is responsible for overall technical management and operation coordination. Main jobs are:

ü  Mission scheduling and planning, command generating and sending

ü  Downlink data real-time processing, payload status monitoring

ü  Mission situation analysis and decision making, payload on-orbit status analysis

ü  Scientific operation service 

Space Science Data Center (DC) is responsible for performing data lifecycle management of space science missions. Main jobs are:

ü  Data preprocessing and quick-look processing

ü  Products distribution and collection

ü  Data archiving and disaster recovery

ü  Products release and result show

ü  Storage online and database services

ü  Scientific data service

X-Band Receiving Stations include Miyun, Kashgar, and Sanya. The supporting institution is the Aerospace Information Research Institute, CAS. Main responsibilities are:

ü  Scientific satellite tracking

ü  Data receiving

ü  Data recording and output format

ü  Data transmission


1 Space Science Mission Hall

2 Space Science Data Center

3 Sanya Station

4 X-Band Receiving Stations