Since GECAM-A has not been able to observe owing to the power supply shortage, we just list the characteristics of GECAM-B

Table 1. Characteristics of GECAM-B.





600 km, 29 deg


Life time

3 years

Goal: 5 years

GRD energy range

15 keV-5 MeV


Field of view

~60% all-sky

All-sky unocculted by Earth

Burst Sensitivity

~2E-8 erg/cm2/s

20 s, 10-1000 keV

Burst localization accuracy

~2 deg (1σ stat.)

Flux=1E-6 erg/cm2/s, 10s

Absolute timing   accuracy

< 3 μs


Relative timing accuracy


Between detectors

Time latency of   trigger data

~60 s

For the first BDS message