The GECAM Scientific Ground Segment (GSGS) is developed and run by IHEP, CAS. To fulfil its core scientific objectives and guide follow-up observations for trigger events that occur randomly in space and time, GSGS will achieve the goal of "Rapid response, Rapid processing, Accurate positioning, and Rapid release of the trigger information". In other words, GSGS needs to search, locate, classify and validate all types of trigger events as soon as possible.

    The GSGS is further divided into four parts, namely the GSGS Interaction Center (GIC), the GECAM Science Operation Center (GSOC), the GECAM Science Data Center (GSDC) and the GECAM Science Support Center (GSSC). The main functions are as follows:

GIC:   responsible for the overall system, which includes: organizing the general system workflow and establishing the interface with external systems; building the workplace, computing resources, and network environment required for the operation of the system; building the trigger /burst database (TRIDB) and information interaction platform, which collects, collates and distributes all the related trigger information in the system; coordinating the joint observations and joint analysis with other projects; and carrying out science outreach work.

GSOC: responsible for the science operation of the mission, which includes: carrying out on-orbit monitor of instruments to determine, adjust  operating parameters or update software; making the on-orbit operation plans, and building the Burst Alert System (BAS) for rapid response to the burst.

GSDC: responsible for processing and management of the scientific data, which includes: building the product database, producing and archiving the scientific data product; searching the trigger offline, processing all the triggers as soon as possible including re-positioning, re-classify and giving quick-look result.

GSSC: responsible for the science support, which includes: carrying out scientific simulations in order to support the on-orbit operations and calibrations; building calibration database (CALDB) and follow-up the on-orbit update; developing data analysis software and providing scientific user support; developing burst alert (BA) system to process the scientific result with manual on-call handling; and establishing GECAM homepage to release the data products, software and notice, etc.